Mon- 5.11 mi
Tues- rest
Wed- 7.0 mi
Thurs- rest
Fri- 6.53
Sat- 8.7 mi
Sun- rest
I use and the iPhone app to keep track of my course and pace. It's probably not as accurate as those fancy Garmin GPS watches, but I don't need to know my pace down to a T.
A map of yesterday's long run |
I am averaging a little under 10min/mile pace. Right now I am just focusing on building up endurance. Since this is my first half marathon, my main goal is to just finish. When I signed up, I put my estimated time as 2:30. We'll see how my training goes...
I am going to try to run at least three times a week, one of them being a long run. I can't run in the morning during the week since I have to get to work pretty early and I can't get my ass out of bed earlier. I usually go out around 5pm when I get home, but it's going to be HOT this week. I'm probably going to get heat stroke and die, so if you don't hear back from me, that's probably why.