
Jul 3, 2012

Off Week

I have not been running much in the past few days, but I think it's good for me to give my knees a rest. I haven't been sitting on my butt, though. Monday, I hiked half a day for field work and today I rode my bike all over the park and around campus. I definitely worked up a sweat, especially in this heat. I am completely drenched in sweat, but as long as I keep up my fluid intake and slather on the sun screen, it's actually not that bad. It just gets to a point where I just give in to the heat and just sweat it out. Kind of like being in a sauna. Except I doing physical activity and the sun is beating down on me. 

Tomorrow and Thursday I'm probably not going to do much in terms of training, since I'll be going downtown for Fourth of July festivities and on Thursday I'll probably be doing office work. Hopefully after this week of rest my knees will be back to feeling 100%. I really want to go for a run, even though the high temperatures are in the 100s. When my knees recuperate, I'll probably get up at 5am to avoid the heat and sun. 

For now, I'm going to enjoy my day off, and a less strenuous end to the work week.