I've been waiting until today to say something about the events that occurred on Marathon Monday because I simply didn't know what I say. I found out at 3:30pm on Monday, and was completely shocked, speechless. I kept praying that this wasn't an act of terror, just a gas pipe explosion, an accident. Knowing that would at least provide some solace that there wasn't an evil person out there who premeditated this. But my heart sank when I found out that it was a bomb. Although I didn't know anyone running in the marathon personally, I knew a few people that I have gotten to "know" on the internet, through their blogs. Thankfully, they were all safe.
But many weren't. I can't imagine being among those who had to experience the tragedy so close. I was thousands of miles away, and it still hurt. It hurt to see so many people's lives shattered in the milliseconds after the bomb exploded. It hurt to see members of what I consider my own community, the running community, to be attacked by a nameless enemy. It hurt to see the "Holy Grail" of running, the Boston Marathon, that so many runners aspire to, become the site of a tragedy.
Every time I see more pictures and read more articles in the news, I feel myself breaking down. I have also found a lot of encouraging words and support from running blogs, as well as an overwhelming response across the nation to help the victims in any way possible. This just proves that the goodness in the world can overpower the evil. It takes a short amount of time to destroy our sense of peace and security, but after every tragedy, we slowly rise out of the damage and find ways to heal.
"If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon."
- Kathrine Switzer, first woman to run the Boston Marathon