
May 28, 2013

Confession to Running

Dear Running,

I have a confession to make. I've been kinda-sorta cheating on you, but let me explain. I recently got myself involved with road cycling, and like any new relationship, it's new and exciting. I'm not gonna sugar-coat it; my new love is a carbon Cannondale road bike, and I've already gone out with it twice in the past weekend. We are planning another outing this upcoming weekend.

You, Running, are still near and dear to my heart. I found you almost exactly a year ago (happy anniversary!), and we've worked hard on our relationship. There has been ups and downs, but I am so very glad to have you in my life. We've reached milestones (13.1, baby!) and have big plans for the future (26.2 yikes!), and I am certain that you will always have a place in my heart.

Although I am flirting with Cycling, I hope you don't get too jealous. Who knows, you and Cycling might even get along. The hilly roads I ride could benefit you, as well, working those quads, and our overall endurance will improve. Maybe someday, we could even do a duathlon together (swimming and I are probably never going to get along, so no worries there).

So although I feel a bit guilty, I am not abandoning you, Running, for Cycling. I am still focusing on marathon training. Cycling will be more of a side thing, for cross training on the days where I (my knees) need a break. Running, I still love you, and that's never going to change.



Ps. My blog name's not going to change, as extra reassurance! It's always going to be RUN Fast Eat Lots.