This week was crazy high volume with both running and biking. On Sunday, I biked a personal distance record of 100 miles on my first century ride. Those were some hilly, beautiful, and fast miles! Seriously, I thought the day went by way too fast. On Friday, I decided to go for my peak mileage with my long run, and ran 20 miles. It's less than a month now until the Marine Corps Marathon, and I'm about to get busy with travelling for interviews, so I'm glad I got to squeeze a 20-miler in this week. Taper time is soon, so that'll probably mean more biking and less running. Or maybe less of both since I am traveling every weekend leading up to the marathon!
9/22 Sunday- 100 mi bike (Back Roads Century)
9/23 Monday- rest
9/24 Tuesday- speedwork, total 5 miles
9/25 Wednesday- 8 mi easy
9/26 Thursday- 24 mi bike
9/27 Friday- 20 mi run
9/28 Saturday- rest
Biked- 124 mi
Ran- 33 mi