
Oct 21, 2013

First Runniversary

Today is my runniversary! Exactly a year ago, I ran my first road race, the Rock n Roll St. Louis Half marathon! I registered for it about 6 months before, and that's when I first started running. I had trained all summer and my goal was to finish the entire 13.1 miles, enjoy the experience, and run with my friend. When I crossed the finish line, I was so happy and immediately knew that I would run more. Maybe even run a full marathon some day!

My shirt from my first half, and the bib is for my second Rock n Roll half marathon in Philly.

In the past year, I've run four half marathons and a 10K. And now, in less than a week, I'll be running my first full marathon, the Marine Corps marathon! What a year!

I have logged so many miles this year, and I hope many more in the years to come :)