
Oct 31, 2013

October Foodie Pen Pals Reveal

The Lean Green Bean

It's Foodie Pen Pals Reveal Day! Don't know what Foodie Pen Pals is? Each month, you sign up and get paired with another foodie. You get to know them a little and what they like. Then you put together a little package filled with yummy treats for them! (Spending limit of $15). The best part is, you get a package from another participant. At the end of the month, bloggers who received packages share what they got from their pal on the Reveal Day.

My Foodie Pen Pal for this month was Debbie at Accidently Delish.

Here's what I got:

- Chocolate covered acai berries
- BumbleBar
- TJ's Speculoos chocolate bar
- Eurocream spread
- Banana Chips
- Dried mango
- Four Peaks Pumpkin Porter
- TJ's Pumpkin soup
- Jalapeno mango jelly

We are both craft-beer drinkers, so we swapped some local brews! I love drinking pumpkin beers this time of the year, so I was so happy to see this in my box :)

Loved all the Trader Joe's stuff!

Thanks again, Debbie!

Want to join in on the fun? Be sure to sign up for next month's Foodie Pen Pals before Nov. 5th!