
Nov 28, 2013

Run Fast Eat Lots Thanksgiving Edition

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are all having a wonderful day spending time with family and friends, eating delicious food, and perhaps running a turkey trot. I have a super busy day; got up early for the Turkey Chase 10K, came home to start the turkey in the oven, showered, and started cooking the rest of the food. I usually cook all the sides, and my mom does the turkey. This year, I wanted to try my hand at turkey roasting, so I'm making the entire meal. I'm crossing my fingers that it'll turn out okay!

My family all came out with me to the Turkey Chase to support me. It was pretty cold, but not as bad as I thought! Here I'm warming up with the YMCA dance. 

Dancers in stage leading the dance, with a turkey, naturally. 

My race went pretty well, though I was kind of over dressed. The course is hilly and I was struggling at mile 3-4. I kicked it for the final stretch, and came in at 48:15, over 4 minutes faster than when I ran this last year! 

I had a great time, and so did my family :) I'm so glad I decided to run this year. 

And now I'm waiting for the turkey to be done so I can finish cooking everything. I'm so hungry!

Now get off the internets and go enjoy the holiday!