I was in the food van, again, which meant that I would be going around grocery stores and restaurants to get food donations for the team for their lunch. Coming out of Fairbury, there were few towns scattered between. Many of the towns we tried to get donations from had populations of less than 1000. We tried a few places, including a grocery store and a Subway with no luck.
We finally got a "yes" at a train-themed pizza restaurant. The manager gave us a box of frozen orange juice, and then a table of men drinking their coffee gave us a bit of cash. The $13 we got was enough for two pizzas.
Next, we tried a "larger" town called Superior. We really needed to find some good lunch food at this point, since frozen OJ and two pizzas was not enough. At the grocery store, the manager was very generous and gave us $50. He even called up a friend (who owned a bike shop!), who donated another $30. We were able to buy a lot of good food for lunch :)
In the same town, we got more food donations at a cafe and Dairy Queen. The DQ was generous enough to provide us with enough sundaes for everyone! We just had to pick them up close to lunch time.
Since we got really lucky in Superior, Chelsea and I had some time to kill. We ended up playing in a park, which had a tank! Of course we had to take a tank selfie.
After delivering lunch to the team, we headed to the host to drop off everyone's luggage. It's a lot of work to unload all the heavy duffels and backpacks! After that was done, I found a room with a bean bag and took a two hour nap. It felt amazing.
The team started to arrive around 5pm, and we went outside to cheer them in. Dinner was a potluck with the community, so there was a ton of great food and great company. Nebraska has been good to us so far!