Apr 23, 2015

Posted by Jo W. 4/23/2015
I was recently sent some samples from Pearls Olives to try and review their Olives to Go! I've seen these in grocery stores before, but had yet to try them. I enjoy olives in things like salads and pizza, but I rarely eat them straight up as a snack.  Fun fact about me: I actually disliked...

Feb 16, 2015

Posted by Jo W. 2/16/2015
Quinoa and kale seem to be appearing everywhere on menus these days. You can usually find a variation of a "quinoa bowl" at any salad restaurant, but they run you at least $8. I sometimes get them at a local restaurant chain and shell out about $10 for a healthy and satisfying meal when I'm too lazy...

Feb 1, 2015

Posted by Jo W. in , , | 2/01/2015
Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I don't really watch football at all, so today's kind of like a regular old Sunday for me. I'll be busy studying for my exams on Monday and Tuesday. I know, my life is so exciting, right? When I get super busy, I tend to get really lazy about cooking. Especially when I'm cooking...

Jan 28, 2015

Posted by Jo W. in , , , | 1/28/2015
Let's pretend that it hasn't been over two months since my last blog post. And the fact that I am lazy and the only reason I am writing is because I have two snow days in a row due to the blizzard dumping 2 feet of snow in Boston. The storm started Monday night, picking up early Tuesday morning...

Nov 29, 2014

Posted by Jo W. 11/29/2014
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is enjoying the long weekend. I am back in Maryland for the holidays! I've been home since Wednesday, and have been busy catching up with family and friends. On Thanksgiving, my family kept up the tradition of going to the annual Turkey Chase 10K. My brother,...

Nov 11, 2014

Posted by Jo W. 11/11/2014
It's been so long since I've posted a training log. I haven't raced since... May, which was a cycling road race. For the entire summer from June to August, I was cycling across the country and then I broke my ankle on July 20th. It's been a long journey to heal and get back to where I was before the accident. Some details about my injury: I broke my ankle on July 20th and found out that I needed...

Nov 7, 2014

Posted by Jo W. in | 11/07/2014
I was invited to participate in a fun link-up called Life in Pictures, where I share a bunch of photos from the past couple of weeks. No captions, so you can guess what I've been up to! Hint: there's a lot of yummy food involved. I wouldn't be me if there weren't ;) Enjoy and happy Friday! A...


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