
Aug 16, 2013

Your Limits are in your Head

This morning, I ran 9 miles in 71 minutes, pushing just under an 8 min/mile pace. After today's and Wednesday's run I discovered that I am capable of running faster and sustaining a less comfortable pace for longer distances. I realized that I hold back too much when I run, and I finish with too much left in the tank. I guess I am afraid of bonking, or that drained feeling when I feel like I can't possibly go any further. My limits are mostly in my own head, doubting my abilities to run a sub-8 pace. Now I realize that it is necessary to keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone to get faster. 

I am starting to feel the urgency to take my training to the next level since the Philly half marathon is in a month and my first marathon is in only 10 weeks! I am setting high goals for both races, and I want to see if I can reach them. I want to get at least a 5 minute PR for the half marathon, which would be a goal time of 1:47 at about an 8:08 min/mile pace. 

This is really ambitious, but I want to get as close as possible to 4 hours for the marathon. That's going to be about a 9 min/mile pace... It may be naive to set such a high goal for my first marathon, but I have learned that when I expect more from myself, I will put in the work to reach those goals. I feel like my training has been going pretty well, and I still have 10 weeks to work towards this goal.

I have this quote on a magnet, and it reminds me to put in the hard work to see the results. I can do this. I WILL do this.

Are you pushing your limits and getting stronger?