First was Beauty and the Beast. This 30 minute musical show was very well done, just like the broadway show! Loved the costumes.
The final scene!
I walked the Streets of America, and saw NYC and San Francisco!
All within a few hundred feet of each other ;)
One of the coolest shows I saw was Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show. There were stunt cars and they demonstrated how car stunts are filmed.
There was an epic chase scene where a good guy was chased by bad guys on motorcycles, cars, and water jets. It ended with a guy on fire and a huge explosion!
What a great shot!
For lunch, I had a grilled veggie sandwich with fries. So much fast food lately...
Of course I had to get a FastPass for Tower of Terror! If you don't know, this ride is Twilight Zone themed, and it's an elevator that takes you to the "Twilight Zone". You go all the way up, and free fall down a few times. If you hate that stomach-in-your-throat sensation, avoid this ride! I got off feeling kinda queasy. I got a great photo from it, though!
Got a frozen margarita and chocolate covered pineapple for a snack. Gotta live a little, right?
That's all for today! Tomorrow is my fifth and final day in Disney World, and we're going to the water parks!