The resort I stayed at, Caribbean Beach Resort, had a small lake with a foot path around it. The loop was about 1.15 miles, and I ended up running the same loop for all of my runs. It was flat, and the view was gorgeous.
On Saturday, it was pretty hot and humid when I went out for my run. I am so not used to 70 degrees and humid after this winter of training in sub-freezing temperatures. The humidity kind of got to me, and my 3 mile progressive run was at a hard effort.
Monday- 75 mins vinyasa yoga
Tuesday- rest
Wednesday- running 1.5 mi, walking around Disney World
Thursday- running 3.75 mi, avg 7:35
Friday- rest, walking around Disney World
Saturday- running 3 mi progressive (7:45, 7:25, 7:07 pace), 2 mi recovery (8:00 pace), total 5 mi
Sunday- cycling 10.25 mi, avg 18. mph
Running- 10.25 mi
Cycling- 10.25 mi
(weird, my run and bike mileage is exactly the same)
I have one week to get ready for my 10K on Sunday! This is my goal race for the season, and I really want to break 46 minutes. That's a pretty big PR (1 minute 32 seconds faster from my previous 10K) and I'm not going to lie, I have some doubts about whether I can hold a 7:24 pace for 6.2 miles. However, the course has a 190 ft elevation drop. Also, given my history of surprising myself with my race day performance, I realize that I should set higher expectations for myself. I can do this!
What are your current goals? Are you looking to PR or finish a new distance?