
May 23, 2014

At the Speed of a Bike

When I go out for a training ride or a run, usually my goal is to go as fast or as hard as possible. Training for races makes me focused on the numbers: hitting a certain pace during interval training, averaging a certain speed, getting PR's in every race. Sometimes I feel like a slave to my Garmin. I've been taught to be competitive, always striving to do my best and become better, faster, stronger.

On Thursday, I went out for a ride, but with a different mindset. I slowed down my pace to fully enjoy the ride. I soaked up the scenery. I stopped to take pictures. Twice.

As I am about to set across the country on my bike, I want to set my intention to really be in the present. It's going to be a long, 4400 mile journey to Portland. It's not about getting to the destination, it's about the journey along the way and I don't want to rush through it.

I have to admit that I am pretty competitive on the bike. This past season, I've been training to compete in races and focused on getting faster. However, this summer will be different. I am going to slow down, stop for pictures and goof around at random roadside attractions. Ride side by side with my teammates and roll along at a conversational speed.

It's going to be incredible seeing this country at the speed of a bike, feeling every mile from my saddle. I'll be passing by cities, small towns, countryside, mountains, plains, and forests stretching from the east to the west coast. I want to soak in every inch of it.

One more week.