
May 22, 2014

Tour de Montgomery County Farm Country

One thing that discourages a lot of beginner cyclists is sharing the road with cars on high traffic roads. I consider myself very lucky that I have access to low-traffic country roads right outside my house. Although farm country is just a few minutes away, I actually live in the suburbs and have access to both city and countryside.

On Tuesday, I took my GoPro with me on my morning bike ride. I wanted to make a video showing the beautiful country roads that I frequently ride on. Now that it's almost summer and the trees are in full foliage, it truly is gorgeous. Every time I ride these roads, I feel incredibly grateful for the spectacular scenery. Makes my rides very enjoyable.

Here's the route that I rode with the elevation profile. You can see my ride on Strava HERE. 24 miles of forests and fields.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the views :) [HD recommended]

Do you live in the city, suburbs, or countryside?