
May 21, 2014

Weekly Chase 5/21

Oops, I usually publish my Weekly Chase posts on Tuesdays, but I'm lazy and it's a day late so what can ya do.

This morning, I actually slept in until 8:30! I can't remember the last time I slept that late, but it was glorious. I had a lazy morning, ate my breakfast, and then headed out the door at 9:40 for a yoga class. I had a free class coupon, so I invited a friend to join me. The room was heated to about 90 degrees, and it was intense! The sweat was really flowing, but it felt so good. I really needed to take a rest day from running and cycling since my legs are still a bit fatigued and tight. Hot yoga was the perfect thing, and coming out of that room into the cool breeze was amazing. 

When I got home, I didn't want to stay indoors, so I brought my computer outside to get some work done and write this blog post. It's such a beautiful day to spend outdoors. A bit cool and overcast, my fave kind of weather.

Road Runner Girl

Last week's goals:

1. Reach my 4K for Cancer fundraising minimum by May 15th deadline- I received an incredibly generous donation on the fundraising deadline, May 15. One of my teammate's family made a HUGE contribution and donated to ALL the riders on my team that still haven't raised $4500. They donated the difference, which ended up being over $1400 for me. I was kind of in disbelief when I saw that I had made my goal, and took a few moments to process it. I am so thankful for their generosity, as well as everyone who has contributed to make this trip possible

2. Go on two training rides- I did 3 training rides solo last week in preparation for the race last Sunday. I wanted to go to the group training ride, but afternoon thunderstorms spoiled those plans. Oh well.

3. Catch up with friends- I got to catch up with a friend last Saturday when we took a 3 hour SUP lesson together. She also joined me for my carbo-loading dinner. Fun times :)

4. Do my first road race- YES. I did it.

This week's goals:

1. Finish packing for my 4K trip- I need to get my stuff organized, make packing lists, and buy the rest of the stuff that I will be needing.

2. Spend some quality time with my family and friends- I have a week and a half at home before I ride across the country. I want to make the most of it.

3. Finish my summer reading assignment- I actually have homework from school already. All incoming dental students are required to read a book and answer some questions. I don't want to worry about having to finish this on the trip, so I want to get it done before next week.

That's all for The Weekly Chase! What are your goals for this week?