Apr 28, 2014

Posted by Jo W. in | 4/28/2014
Last Sunday, I came back from a week-long vacation in Disney World. During vacation, I indulged to my heart's content, but stayed active by walking around all day and doing three runs. I had a great time and it was totally worth it ;) When I got back, I used this week to tune up for my Sunday 10K race. I was planning on running at least twice, but that didn't happen. Instead, I felt like training on the bike. I cycled 26.2 miles on Marathon Monday, because I'm a dork. On Wednesday, I went with a local bike club for a training ride. It was pretty hilly, with about 1000 ft of elevation gain. I felt strong on those hills, and had a great ride.

On Sunday, my legs were feeling rested and ready to race! My head was in the game, and I had a great race. I must have done something right with my training, even though it's been pretty lax, lately. Check out my race recap here.
This pic makes me LOL

Monday- cycling 26.2 miles, avg 17.9 mph

Tuesday- running 6.2 miles with walking breaks, avg 7:22 pace for the run

Wednesday- 60 minutes hot yoga

Thursday- cycling 25 miles, hilly group ride, avg 19.3 mph

Friday- 60 minutes vinyasa yoga

Saturday- rest

Sunday- 10K Pike's Peak race , avg 6:59 pace
               90 minutes Yin/Yang yoga


Running- 12.4 mi

Cycling- 51.2 mi

Now that this season's goal race for running is over, I am considering entering in my first cycling road race. I am still pretty new to cycling, but have made significant improvements since the fall season. There are a lot of skills I need to work on, and racing a bike is a whole different beast. I am learning, and though I feel far from confident in racing, I may just do it.

How did your training go this week? What was your best workout?

Any cyclists who can give me racing tips?

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Girl you are FAST!!! Great job!
Great job at PP! Congrats. And yikes--cycling races can be intimidating. Do a road race vs. a criterium, where it's really insane. Keep us posted on which race you choose!
1 reply · active 560 weeks ago
Thanks! I chose to do a road race since crits are so much more technical and I don't have enough experience.
Excellent work!! Whew!
1 reply · active 560 weeks ago
Awesome job getting some runs in even on vacation.
1 reply · active 560 weeks ago
Running first thing in the morning always makes me feel great. Plus, how could I NOT run around the Caribbean Beach resort with those views?
It is really amazing case study service. Yes walk, running and yoga are the things which become you healthy and fit, and especially morning walk is too much effective but I don’t totally agree with your theory that eat lots because we should eat according to the needs, lots of food also creates a problem.

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