Good morning and happy Saturday! Hope you had a leisurely morning and are enjoying a nice cup of coffee as we chat. Join me on the Ultimate Coffee Date, hosted by Jill, Nikki at Grab Your Kicks, and Lynda at fitnessmomwinecountry.
If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you...
... that I am currently in Boston looking for apartments and meeting my future classmates at my dental school. It's been a great trip so far and I am really enjoying being in the city. I feel so lucky to be moving here!

... I want to try my first cycling road race on May 18th. I am kind of terrified because it will be a completely new experience for me, but also excited to learn how to race!
... that I have mixed feelings about leaving on June 1 to cycle across the country for 70 days. It will be a long trip, the team I will be riding with will bond like family, and we'll see some amazing sights and meet amazing people. But I will also feel a bit homesick, away from creature comforts (a real bed, for example!), and heading into the unknown, so I can't help but having a little bit of anxiety about it.
If we were having coffee this morning, I would ask you...
... what your plans are for this weekend? Are you spending time with your family or loved ones, going out and enjoying the weather?
... if you have any apartment hunting-advice for me? This is my first time using a realtor so I'm still trying to figure it all out!
What would you share with me if we were having coffee?